One of the most-read posts on this site is a post I did last year on normalizing luxury in my life. You can catch up on that post here, before proceeding! I am still a firm believer in those things, and as mentioned in that post I had a designer wish-list, today I am going to share how I bought a few of those items while maintaining a budget.

Outlet Malls & Sample Sales. Many of your favorite high-end designers have sample sales a couple of times a year and/or have an outlet store. The items at these places will not be the current season, in fact, the items could be a couple of seasons old. If that doesn’t bother you welcome to my favorite outlet shopping experience at Woodbury Commons in upstate New York. The YSL Vicky bag I am wearing here was over $1000 off retail and to me a timeless piece that will never go out of style. Here is the retail version still available on Farfetch for $2590. At the YSL outlet, I scored the non-patent version on sale for $1289, with tax it was $1366. SCORE!!! My favorite stores to frequent at Woodbury are YSL, Gucci, Bottega Veneta, Valentino, Saks, and Fendi. I have built relationships with a few sales associates at these stores now where I can call and have items shipped to my house.

Digit App For Saving. Now I know some of you are still rolling your eyes at a $1300 purchase, but I always save up for these purchases by using the Digit app. I have mentioned this app and its benefits here. I have a goal set up for luxury purchases in addition to my rainy day savings. When I have a certain amount of extra play money in that account, I take the trip to Woodbury or shop online. Thanks to Digit I don’t have to think about the action of saving, since it does all the work for me. If you would like to give Digit a try, sign up here.

Klarna/AfterPay. When I luxury shop online, there is a way to offset the cost of a big-ticket item by using Klarna or Afterpay. Essentially, this is high-class layaway LOL, split into four even payments over a period. You make a down payment at the time of the purchase, and the remaining 3 payments are deducted from your bank account every two weeks. You don’t even have to think about it, because it automatically does all the work and calculations for you. They even send you a reminder message a couple of days before the payment is due to make sure your account has enough funds to cover the payment. I don’t use this option too often because it can seem like you are paying off one purchase forever, but it’s definitely helpful.

Those are my tips for making luxury purchases and not going into debt. What I will say is, social media can mess you up with thinking you are missing out if you don’t have this or that. I never had a jealous spirit when it came to what I didn’t have or couldn’t afford because I knew my time would come. Sometimes you must stay down until you come up, and that’s exactly what I did. I will always be bougie on a budget because the price tag does not equate to style. This vintage blazer was less than $20 and these ZARA shorts were $40, so high-low fashion will always be my aesthetic. Like I said in my previous post luxury is how you define it, I consider many of the Black-owned businesses I patronize luxurious as well. For instance, this dope trucker hat here from BeEyeconic is black-owned and her items are top of the line when it comes to quality. Buy what you deserve and can afford, thanks for reading! Stay Chic!
Great tips! I was afraid of outlet malls because I incorrectly assumed it wasn’t the same quality. I know better now! One thing I love is shopping for luxury items overseas (not Canada ) because you get the taxes back at the airport.
Yes, I’ve heard that shopping in Europe is cheaper but I have yet to experience that! Oh wow, I never thought about that aspect of outlet shopping. It is literally the exact same quality of goods the brand is known for just a couple of seasons older.
This is so helpful for me and my budgetnista lifestyle. Thank you for these tips! I’ll definitely share when it’s time to buy.
Thank you so much for reading Amerika, I appreciate your feedback!
First off I love digit app it’s one of those apps where your saving outa sight outta mind kinda thing before you know it you got a lil coin lol second girl I love me some Klarna/ Afterpay it gives me the opportunity to snag items but you can also pay them off earlier than planned!
Yes, I love the option of paying it off earlier. It definitely comes in handy for sure. Thank you so much for reading!!
Here for the Luxury!!! We DESERVE~~~
You already know the vibes, Queen! Thank you so much for reading!
Yes I love Woodbury Commons..I used to shop there often… before all these kids😩
I most definitely utilize Afterpay and Klarna as well. It’s very helpful. You got a deal on the YSL… I love that bag!!
Yessss, I need to stay away from Woodbury LOL. Literally will be wearing this bag all the time to get my cost per wear! Thanks so much for reading!
I love a good sample sale!! Outlets are also a fan of mines especially online (Saks Off 5th). Klarna/AfterPay have allowed me to shop luxury to spoil myself without breaking the bank with a newborn.
Yes, I know how the needs of a newborn can take a toll. So glad we have so many options at our disposal now to be financially responsible. Thanks for reading as usual!
Interesting!!. Thanks for the tips. I have been enlightened💕!
LOL, we deserve it! Thanks for reading and being enlightened!
Such great tips hun! I love outlet shopping, the items become out of season anyway so might as well get money off right? 😁
So So true, I don’t mind it at all. Thanks so much for reading!
Love these tips as I start to write my budget book for how to have your Dream wedding on a budget I’ve got tips as well to save using apps like Digit and now after pay for assistance.
Love it I’m trying to have a YSL bag this year so I’m going to let Hubby know how he can get one for me 😊
I love that you are writing that book, it will be so helpful to so many people! Manifesting your YSL bag hunny, you deserve it!!
Thanks for sharing, I like to find wholesale platforms. I like the price very much, and I can buy different styles of clothing. (Colorful high-waisted swimsuits)