Many of us are locked in the house with our significant others for social-distancing purposes. This can be a good thing….or not. I always said that a little time apart, having your own friends and hobbies, are beneficial. The truth of the matter is, no matter how much you love someone, they can do things that drive you up the wall. I am going to share some habits of mine, that drive my husband Ade crazy. Be sure to share your own bad habits below in the comment section.

According to Ade, I run hot. Like my body temperature. I prefer to keep our bedroom on the cooler side, opting to keep the heat on low or not turned on at all 🥶🥶. We are the people that keep a huge comforter on the bed year-round, and I sweat in my sleep if it’s too hot. To make things worse, I stick my feet out of the bottom of the comforter, and he likes to wrap up like a burrito, LOL. No wonder I haven’t slept well in years. What are the sleeping woes you experience with your partner?

A man’s button-down shirt is the perfect oversized fit that I love. I steal them from his closet all the time. I’ve also been privy to taking his jeans and making them into shorts and rocking his various track jackets. Sometimes, he won’t know I’ve stolen something until he goes on my Insta-story and sees me sharing my OOTD! 🤷🏽♀️What can I say, it’s good to have options.

A habit of my humble upbringing that I still carry to this day, I check my bank account first thing in the morning. It’s a side-effect of my bad financial history and having to count every penny until the next payday. Back then, I would have to watch it to make sure I wasn’t getting overdrawn, etc. I have gotten way better with money, and my career status has improved, but it’s something that I still can’t stop doing. How many of you can relate? Money brings so much anxiety, and the current times we are living through has amplified that.

Something that I don’t think will ever change is things going to waste, I HATE TO SEE IT. A bad habit (to some) that I have is making sure the laundry detergent is completely done. To make sure I get every last drop, I turn the bottle upside down for a day and make sure every last drop is inside the cap. Judge me if you want to, Ade does, but I’m getting every penny worth from Tide, you hear me?!

I’m sure there are more things, but these are the ones that I do consistently. Marriage isn’t a walk in the park like these images reflect, but we do what we can. You grow and evolve as a person, and in your relationship, it doesn’t have to be a negative thing. I hope everyone is healthy and safe wherever you are. Thanks so much for reading!
The dress I’m wearing, that you all gagged over, is from Akira. It’s no longer on their site, but I linked a similar style here, and a jumpsuit option here. Loving the simplicity of this one as well.
We’re definitely alike in more ways than one. It’s good to know that even though I’m single I can relate because one day my husband will have a whole list about me! 😂😂😂
Ayeeeee! Thanks so much for reading Amerika!
Love you guys. You should share what he does that drives you crazy. It works both ways lol.
Ha! How much time do you have? You KNOW that might be a long post. Thanks for reading chica!