Have you ever felt like everything is falling apart around you and you don’t know what to do? That is how I have been feeling lately. Here is a brief rundown of what has led me to this feeling: my mom was in the hospital, one of my contributor writing roles has been revoked, marital struggles, and just trying to balance and get through this thing called life.
I am not one to get too into family business here on the blog, but Mom is fine now. With physical therapy and some lifestyle changes, everything will be amazing. As the oldest in the family so much responsibility falls on me, and sometimes I feel like I am so not prepared to step into that matriarch role for everyone.
As you all know, I have the ability to make some coins from blogging. I have been blessed to have a few companies reach out to me because of this here blog for collaborations. I also contribute to other beauty and lifestyle sites. These opportunities afford me the ability to reach a wider audience and get more exposure for my writing. Recently, one of the sites I write for twice a month, let me know that they would be going in a different direction. This was a stream of income for me. While it was not a huge amount of money, it was still something I was sure of every month like clockwork. It was a shock because it happened abruptly and I am human, it takes a while to adjust to change.
So how do I keep it together in the midst of a shit-storm? First things first, I cry. If I am feeling down and out and need to cry, I do. To not startle the kids, I may cry in the shower so all the water blends LOL. I used to refuse myself tears and would leave all the emotion bottled up, but not anymore. It is best to let it out so the feelings won’t fester under the surface and come out at the wrong time. Even worse, on the wrong person.
Talk to your tribe. I am a very closed off, personal and guarded Scorpio woman. I let VERY few people in. I have a few people I can talk to on a deep level about what may be going on with me. I hope everyone reading this has such a tribe they can turn to in times like this. If you are in therapy, I applaud you.
Journaling has also been a great help to me when I want to release my troubles. I have found that I can trust the journal more than a person. I always have a fear of people using my troubles or something I have shared when I was low against me. So I know the journal will not betray me unless someone finds it and reads it LOL!
Somehow in the midst of the devil trying to break you, they say a breakthrough will come. Hello somebody! I have been forced to go harder for myself and what I believe in. I appreciate everyone who reads this site and comments, engages and gives me the courage to keep going. I hope this post encourages someone going through a tough time. Stay strong and of course stay chic!
This Ankara two-piece set is actually a crop top and faux wrap skirt, I know it reads dress in the photos. I had it made on my trip to Nigeria in 2014, and this is my first time wearing it. Do you remember the clear mules from my shoe haul post? I had to return them and get these bad boys from Target’s Who What Wear collection! The woven clutch is older than my firstborn son, but it’s from Old Navy. These woven bags are very on trend at the moment, shouldn’t be hard to find one similar.
The struggles of life! I can certainly relate. Thank you for your honesty!
Thank ya kindly mi friend!!