If you follow me on Instagram, then you already know that I didn’t last the entire duration of Lent without shopping. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, read my last post.

Truth is, I was doing so well. I don’t need anything. Or so I thought. We are on week 4 of our social-isolation quarantine due to COVID-19. The days all blend together. Time is a figment of my imagination. I got bored. Then Air-Max day rolled around.
Now, Nike recognizes March 26 as Air Max Day, and today the company is celebrating 33 years of success. Of course, there’s no better way to do so than with new sneakers, so Nike often uses this day to release limited edition styles. Mar 26, 2020 (Source: Google)

These released on air max day, and I had to have them. If you journey back in time to 2016 and this post, you will know a gold pair of air max has always been on the wish list. Truth be told this will be my last purchase for a while. I am happy I made it happen when I did.
The reality is, the news is throwing out the idea that we may be inside the house until June now. I have been out of work since 3/15/2020 and I stopped getting paid two weeks ago. Life is hanging in an uncertain balance for many people all around the world. How are you all coping?

Here’s what quarantine has taught me. Home is where the heart is. I am grateful that I have a home I feel safe in, with people I love. Financial security can be taken away in the blink of an eye during a pandemic. The loss of jobs, 401k’s, investments have swept the country. I personally won’t make it past July. If you have questions about any stimulus-related package, check out The Cash Compass on Youtube.

I hope all of you are being safe and are healthy. This post wasn’t to brag but to be transparent with all of you. I will have more posts coming soon as I hope to use 3TheChicWay to be an escape from all the madness. If you have any post suggestions you would like to see during this time, please leave them below! I hope we can all reconnect with our normal lives very soon. Stay safe and chic!