If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know I change my hairstyle often. Natural hair is a lot of maintenance and often times, it may be easier to do a protective style. I have had twists, locs, braids, and crochet styles! It is fun to change up my do and experiment with different looks.

It took me a while to embrace my natural hair when I transitioned. I remember vividly the first time I wore my fro out in public after being fully natural. The confidence that took, after being relaxed for so long was monumental. But now that I’m here baby, there’s no turning back! Everyone in my world may not be on board, i.e. my co-workers. But I love my hair so much, that I don’t even care at this point!

I get the most questions about my hair at work. I have to explain my hairstyles and extensions the most to certain co-workers. While I work in a creative industry, it seems the way we are able to switch up our styles so frequently intrigues many. It can be tiring having to always explain and justify my hairstyle decisions. Can you relate? And I am not saying to never ask questions, there is just a certain tone that is behind it.

The one thing you should never ask a Woman. “Is that your real hair?” I don’t care how confused you are as to how often we switch up the style, it’s not something you should ever ask. You know why? I can almost guarantee they don’t ask my Caucasian counterparts this question when they come in with their hair extensions. STOP!

Stop making ethnic hair a topic of discussion at work. Stop making women of color feel insecure about their hair choices. I know a couple of women who aren’t comfortable without a weave or wig. Do you know why that is? They are trying to make YOU feel more comfortable. Black women are literally shrinking themselves to not have their hair choices hinder their professional growth!!

There are laws popping up in different states, letting people know it will be unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of their hair. In 2019, we have to tell people to not be this ignorant? Oh, and one more thing, never invade anyone’s personal space where you feel it’s okay to just touch a woman’s hair! I will continue to wear my hair as I please, but I will no longer be answering questions like I’m a mannequin on display. I am tired. We are tired! Share your hair related issues at work with me below, I know I am not alone!

Outfit Deets: Shopaholic Tee//Nasty Gal Skirt//Adidas Sneakers//Chloé Bag
Wow! Thanks for this.. 👸🏽
Thanks for reading Queen!
Even backhanded compliments are annoying!
“I like THIS style on you better than THAT.’
No. One. Asked. You.
Say it looks nice or say nothing at all!
OMG I hate that as well. People just need to mind the business that pays them!