It’s that time of year again, reflection time. With an upcoming 36th birthday, your girl is out here with serious “getting old” anxiety. It happens every year around my birthday. I wanted to write a few things I would tell my younger self.

- Memories are fleeting, document everything. I wish I had been the kind of girl who kept a diary. There are so many things I can’t remember and the sequence of certain events is getting blurry with age.
- Listen to your parents. Being a parent now, I realize how much they have sacrificed and given up for their children. It won’t make sense at the time, but as you get older you will appreciate it.
- Take your education seriously. You were on the right track up until Junior High. In High School, you completely went downhill. The road to success would have been much easier if you had studied harder.
- Young Heartbreak is imminent. But guess what, you will get through it. You won’t think so at the time, but trust me, it’s all a part of the learning curve in relationships.

- Friends will come and go. People grow apart, interests change as you evolve. It is okay to move on from any group of friends that does not uplift and support you.
- Save your damn money. It will make sense when you have to repair your credit later in life. Every little dollar can add up, and give you a great boost into adulthood.
- Keep reading. Books will always be a way to transport yourself to all the places you dream of and even places that never crossed your mind. There is so much knowledge that you will never be taught, that books can easily grant you access to.
- Family is important. They can also be the cause of extreme trauma and heartbreak. You can’t choose them, but you can choose who you keep around you. Discernment is the best asset in this case.

- Believe in yourself always. There will be doubt in all areas and from all kinds of people. But if your confidence is through the roof, they won’t be able to crush you. People have a way of seeing something in you that you haven’t tapped into yet, and they want to diminish it before you discover it.
- Travel before you settle down. I wish I had taken more trips before adulting started to kick my ass. It becomes harder to travel after you have kids and a family to account for. BOOK THOSE FLIGHTS!!
- Get your driver’s license. LMAO! It won’t make sense with all the easy commuting access you have in the big city, but those adult road trips will be so much better when you can be an active participant.
- Always stay gracious. It is so easy to be the MEAN girl and make fun of others. You will learn that life is quick to knock you down and humble you. Be nice, kind, and a positive light for others. It will mean more later in life, trust me!

Bonus that goes without saying, keep a higher power at the front of your heart and mind always. I always say that I am not super religious, but I do pray and have a spiritual connection with a higher power. It has gotten me through some pretty tough times!! What advice would you give your younger self?

Outfit Deets: Top- TrendyChix Boutique, use code 3THECHICWAY for a discount. I heard you all loud and clear, they have clothing for ALL size ranges. Denim- American Eagle, my new fave pair of high-waisted denim. Thanks for reading and as always, stay chic!
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Thanks for reading!