Happy International Women’s Day! March also happens to be Women’s History Month, let the celebrations continue! Shout out to all my ladies, making their dreams come true even when the going gets tough. I am inspired when scrolling Instagram by the amount of female-owned businesses I come

If any of your friends have a shop whether online or brick & mortar, shop there. End of story. Don’t ask for a discount, just SHOP. It’s hard for entrepreneurs to ask those closest to them for support. The biggest complaints I hear about small businesses are the prices and shipping costs. Guess what? It is not easy building a brand. If you are able to shop at major retail chains or even luxury brands, you should have no problem shopping with a friend or family member. Shopping small is an intimate experience, you know exactly where your money is going, and who you are supporting.

Let’s say you have a blogger/influencer friend. A huge part of supporting them is by reading the blog. Brands are always asking for numbers before they agree to a partnership. How many blog visitors does your blog generate? That’s where you all come in, give the blog some hits. Partnerships can also come by way of a Brand Ambassador deal. This means your friend will have a discount code specifically for them and the brand to track their sales. It’s a good look when people shop on a site using that specific discount code, and a commission is earned by the blogger. Like I’ve said before, it’s not all about pretty pictures on social media!

Sharing is caring. It doesn’t cost anything to repost and share your friend’s blog, page, store, clothing, etc. Small businesses can really get a boost by word of mouth. Tell someone you know about your good friend and what they are doing. Support doesn’t always have to come financially. You can also head over and help pack up those orders. Many of these businesses are a one-woman show, and every little bit of encouragement and help will only improve their customer service.

Lastly, just be there for them. Let them vent when necessary, listening is a huge help as well. Everyone who is putting themselves out there to chase a dream can really use a good sounding board. The emotional stress sometimes can be enough to send someone over the edge. I’m sharing a few small businesses that I love below. A couple of them I have a working relationship with, so feel free to use my discount code.
- The Hoodie I am wearing in this post is from America Hates US. A portion of your purchase can go to Planned Parenthood, NYC Alliance Against Sexual Assault and many other
organziations ! Socktorious Socks: Use code 3THECHICWAY15 for a discount- EE Styles Headwraps: Use Code CHICWAY20
- Trendy Chix Boutique (limited on-trend stylish pieces)
- Martha Black Vintage (limited one-of-a-kind finds)
Thanks so much for reading this post! Happy International Women’s Day, feel free to leave a business suggestion below!
Great, great blog! You hit a lot of specifics on the head, when it comes to building a brand. Support is everything, not just from purchases, but simple reposts and sharing make a great impact. I thank you, as a blogger, for your support and for also including EE Styles in your feed. Women empowerment! ✊🏾 Blessings to you!
Thank you so much Ashlee, glad you liked this post. And thank you for always reading and supporting. I really appreciate it!
Proud of you babygirl ❤️
Chai! Ade B on 3TheChicWay, thanks for stopping by!