You see a job posting online, the description is you to the last detail. You are so confident and apply so quickly, cuz in your mind, the job is yours already. This was me last week when one of my favorite authors announced she was hiring for an Executive Assistant. BTW, she announced it on social media, you’d be surprised how many opportunities come my way via the socials.
As you all know, I mostly work from home. Writing and contributing to the various sites and collaborations I partake in are done from my laptop. I love that all I need is a Wi-fi connection and I can take care of business from just about anywhere. The flexibility of this life allows me the privilege to take on the things I really want to be a part of, and be as hands on a Mom with Caleb & Joshua as possible.
Her Executive Assistant position was right up my alley of being remote: twenty hours a week, and mostly administrative and booking support. The extra stream of income would have been the cherry on top if we’re being totally honest here. Money is definitely not the driving force between a lot of partnerships I accept, but hey I can use it right about now!Sooooo, I didn’t get the job. I don’t know why. She only reached out to those she wanted. I kind of wished she would’ve written me and been like, “this is why I didn’t choose you.” Because now my insecurities are heightened right? I was on a high, pumping myself up, you got this Karese, it is yours. But since I was rejected (I’m super dramatic, if you haven’t noticed), I’m wondering if my email to her was off, if my resume needs tweaking, if my experience wasn’t good enough. Why wasn’t I chosen?
I checked my email like I never have before, just knowing there was going to be a “welcome to the team”, message in my inbox. Girl nothing, crickets, empty, junk mail only. So, what do you do now? First, of all, I’m gonna wallow in self-pity for about 24-48 hours. I hate when people try to tell you how to feel in times like this. I know they are trying to be encouraging, but dammit if I’m sad or upset, let me feel that for a bit. I’m disappointed and it’s okay to feel that, instead of pretending like I’m not and I can move on so easily. I can’t.
After I’m done being upset, I will refocus and get back to business. Who am I kidding? This isn’t the first rejection I have gotten since being on this influencer journey, brands reject me all the time. The difference here is, this is something:
a) I really wanted
b) I felt like it was mine already
So, now it’s been a few days, I am over it. At the end of the day, what is mine is still out there, and I really am making an effort to believe that.
I know many of my readers are like me, a Mother trying to balance it all in the entrepreneur life and trying to make some extra money. I know of an opportunity where you can drive with Uber to earn some extra money and on your own schedule. If you’re not familiar with Uber, it’s an opportunity for independent contractors- where you are working for yourself and it can be set up right from your mobile phone, on their app! Drive on your own time, when the kids are at school when you have a few hours after dinner– you can drive when you want! So in the midst of me not getting what I wanted, this opportunity was presented to me, to help out my readers. The silver lining to all of this I guess!
Sign up here if you are interested!
What do you all do when you have to deal with rejection? Drop those coping mechanisms below. I wish you all a prosperous and successful second quarter, thanks for reading! As always, stay chic!
“When you click on a link to the companies on this site and sign up with them,
this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs include the
Uber affiliate program.”